Międzynarodowa odsłona konferencji Computerworld BEST IN CLOUD promującej najefektywniejsze sposoby wykorzystania technologii chmurowych, a także najlepsze produkty i dostawców rozwiązań cloud computing.

Formuła o zasięgu międzynarodowym, obejmująca region Europy Środkowo -Wschodniej, w tym: Polskę, Węgry, Rumunię, Czechy i Bułgarię.

W programie zagadnienia związane z obszarami: multicloud, cloud security, cloud computing w projektach z zakresu sztucznej inteligencji oraz uczenia maszynowego, analityka dużych zbiorów danych w chmurze obliczeniowej. Na program konferencji złożą się międzynarodowe, inspirujące case studies projektów transformacji do modelu cloud, prezentacje usługodawców, a także strefy i czaty eksperckie.

Our Partners - invite you to the conference!



Summary of the BEST IN CLOUD CEE conference:


BEST IN CLOUD CEE 17 November 2022

Welcome to participants. Opening of the conference.

Jarosław Kuźniar Jarosław Kuźniar, Journalist, lecturer, CEO, Kuźniar Media

The future of cloud is the Industry Cloud! How the cloud is becoming the utility of business transformation.

Michał Furmankiewicz Michał Furmankiewicz, Engineering Lead @ Azure Global Growth (former Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer), Microsoft

Agility in the Clouds. Story by CCC.

Agility and scalability are key factors for CCC. CCC needs to make decisions fast, invest in new markets and engage with customers more. During the session Wojciech will tell their story about cloud adoption looking from business perspective.

Wojciech Górniak Wojciech Górniak, Group Head of CRM, Head of Data & AI Hub, CCC Group

Digital transformation of business in the ,,Polish Digital Valley”.

The public cloud is evolving at a rapid scale. The snowball effect made Microsoft, one of the largest public cloud providers, decide to open a new region in Poland. As part of the presentation, participants will learn about the value of the new Microsoft Azure location for business, as well as how Microsoft partners such as summ-it can support companies in their digital transformation, including migration to the Azure cloud.

Paweł Jakubik Paweł Jakubik, Board Member, Microsoft Poland
Wojciech Wencel Wojciech Wencel, CEO & Founder, summ-it

Meet the challenges of digitalization with flexible Software Defined Infrastructure.

As the energy costs are sky rocketing, now more than ever we need to be “greener” to our budgets and of course to our planet. A successful digital transformation strategy means thinking about the whole lifecycle of the business processes, how you manage and process the data. Lenovo and VMware have a shared vision of making infrastructure invisible – so you’re free to innovate! With Software Defined technologies you’ll be free support your business from the data center with Public Cloud flexibility and/or build hybrid environment and use best from both worlds. Simplify your Data Center, focus on the applications that drive your business instead of spending a lot of time and effort on infrastructure management. Lenovo & VMware Software Defined Solutions powered by Intel® processors provides an agile hybrid multi-cloud platform that easily enables maximum flexibility and savings for rapid business transformation.

Aleksandar Aksentijevic Aleksandar Aksentijevic, Software Defined Solutions Consultant EMEA, Lenovo

7 years of architecture development – lessons learned from building the SaaS offering.

When you fund a startup, it’s not easy to choose your services provider. So why we have decided to choose the Cloud? And shall we stay on-premises before we have launched on the global scale? In 2016 the Cloud and our Service was at the very different level of development, yet without cloud approach we could not have been successful at all. Today the business challenges we face are very different and still the cloud is the answer for our future architecture and development. Scalability and elasticity seem to be the holy grail for us to grow.

Łukasz Graliński Łukasz Graliński, Chief Architect, Software Business Development Director, Spotio

Break to visit the Partner Zones.


The truth behind 10 years of digital transformations – key takeaways they wish they had known before their cloud journey.

Cloud transformation can be full of pitfalls, a Halloween story no one wants to play the main part in. Research indicates that one in three cloud migrations fails and only 25% of businesses meet their migration deadlines. To compound this further, 90% of CIOs have experienced failed or disrupted cloud-based data migration projects. So, is there a recipe, instructions on how to avoid hidden traps? We are not doctors, so we will not write you any cloud prescription but we can certainly help you in your decision making through sharing a few important takeaways we have learned over the past 10 years of digital transformations. Hear three different customer stories and learn critical lessons they wish they had known before they started their cloud transformation journey.

Anna Jacobi-Konik Anna Jacobi-Konik, VP Global IT Transformation, ISCG
Jakub Modrzewski Jakub Modrzewski, Digital Transformation Consultant, ISCG

Delivering value with Data - Key Principles to Success.

Building a data-driven culture across the enterprise no longer has to add layers of complexity that impact business agility. As the growth and distribution of data continue, businesses must provide employees with easy access to the data needed to make the right decisions. In this session, we will explore the distribution of data and analytics, wherever the data is sourced, and how modern data architectures are helping drive optimized processes supported by consistent security and compliance across the Hybrid Data Cloud. We believe where data flows, ideas follow.

Paul Mackay Paul Mackay, Cloud Director - EMEA, Cloudera

Creating business value through cloud transformation in a continuous model.

All companies are starting to be technologic companies and cloud is a catalyst of this unique change. But using cloud is not making your company unique but gives you an opportunity. How to catch up on the opportunity and how to stay in a run? How to connect cloud with the business?

Przemysław Galiński Przemysław Galiński, Cloud & Digital Director, PwC Polska

Can the cloud ruin me? On managing the cost of cloud services.

Mariusz Kowalski Mariusz Kowalski, Principal Director, Infrastructure Engineering Lead, Cloud First Poland, Accenture

Break to visit the Partner Zones.


Transform, adapt, overcome.

10 years ago Pure Storage FlashArray debuted on the market, starting the enterprise storage industry revolution. Continuous technological development combined with uncompromising simplicity, efficiency and customer satisfaction focus allowed us to completely change the IT infrastructure landscape, helping many businesses to thrive by taking full benefits from their data. With the digital transformation acceleration, our mission of “Uncomplicating Data Storage, Forever” is more relevant than ever.

Aleksander Urbanik Aleksander Urbanik, CEE Partner Manager, Pure Storage

Cloud as a  cybersecurity tool.

Anna Nietyksza Anna Nietyksza, Prezes, Cloud Community Europe Polska
Marek Walczak Marek Walczak, Director of Development, Cloud Community Europe Poland

Cloud solutions and hybrid cloud in the process of building a Data Driven Company.

Łukasz Michalczyk Łukasz Michalczyk, Chief Data Officer, Link4

Closing of the conference.

Jarosław Kuźniar Jarosław Kuźniar, Journalist, lecturer, CEO, Kuźniar Media
The organizers will make every effort to ensure that the conference is held in accordance with the presented program, however, the possibility of partial changes is reserved.

Prowadzący konferencję:

W gronie prelegentów:

Aleksandar Aksentijevic

Software Defined Solutions Consultant EMEA, Lenovo

Michał Furmankiewicz

Engineering Lead @ Azure Global Growth (former Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer), Microsoft

Przemysław Galiński

Cloud & Digital Director, PwC Polska

Wojciech Górniak

Group Head of CRM, Head of Data & AI Hub, CCC Group

Łukasz Graliński

Chief Architect, Software Business Development Director, Spotio

Anna Jacobi-Konik

VP Global IT Transformation, ISCG

Paweł Jakubik

Członek Zarządu, Microsoft Poland

Mariusz Kowalski

Principal Director, Infrastructure Engineering Lead, Cloud First Poland, Accenture

Paul Mackay

Cloud Director - EMEA, Cloudera

Łukasz Michalczyk

Chief Data Officer, Link4

Jakub Modrzewski

Digital Transformation Consultant, ISCG

Anna Nietyksza

Prezes, Cloud Community Europe Polska

Aleksander Urbanik

CEE Partner Manager, Pure Storage

Marek Walczak

Director of Development, Cloud Community Europe Poland

Wojciech Wencel

CEO & Założyciel, summ-it


zasięg i perspektywa

500 uczestników
decydentów oraz specjalistów IT w regionie CEE

7 godzin
wystąpień live
w 2 ścieżkach merytorycznych: Biznes i Technologie

Strefy eksperckie
materiały własne partnerów,
czat z uczestnikami

z wystąpień

= nieograniczona możliwość powrotu do wybranych prezentacji

Do udziału szczególnie zapraszamy:

  • CIO
  • CTO
  • dyrektorów IT
  • dyrektorów/kierowników infrastruktury IT
  • dyrektorów pionów technologii
  • dyrektorów pionów biznesowych
  • kierowników zespołów cloud
  • specjalistów IT odpowiedzialnych za infrastrukturę IT i jej bezpieczeństwo.

Partnerzy Generalni

Partner Strategiczny

Partnerzy merytoryczni




Magdalena Szczodrońska
Tel. +48 662 287 935
[email protected]

Piotr Fergin
Tel. +48 533 358 952
[email protected]

Włodzimierz Duszyk
Tel. 662 287 870
[email protected]