
We are the largest provider of IT solutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and our activities reach where technology and business support everyday life. As a reliable provider of products and services, we care about providing technology for large entities from i.a. the financial, medical, public administration and SMB sectors.


Is Poland's largest qualified electronic signature provider, including the mobile SimplySign, and the leading developer of a comprehensive range of security and trust services. We promote and implement innovative paperless solutions, enabling almost complete elimination of paperless documents in favor of electronic ones, signed with a biometric or a qualified electronic signature.

We specialize in certification services confirming the identity of people on the Internet. We provide solutions that ensure the reliability and security of documents, electronic data and devices with network access.

Link to the page

Product leaflets / product presentations :

Electronic Signature



Znacznik Czasu

Certyfikaty SSL

Certyfikaty ID

Certyfikaty CodeSigning

Program Partnerski Certum




Contact persons details:

Mirosław Jaworski

Paulina Dzwonkowska

Monika Juszczyńska

Kateryna Ivashchenko