ERM is a leading global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, social consulting services and sustainability related services. We work with the world's leading organizations, delivering innovative solutions and helping them to understand and manage their sustainability challenges. To do this, we have more than 5,500 people in over 40 countries and territories working out of more than 160 offices.

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During the online conference, our expert will be available in the chat:

Oliver Phipps
Partner, EMEA Service Lead

Oliver Phipps is a UK trained hydrogeologist who has worked internationally in environmental & sustainability consulting for nearly 30 years. He currently fulfills two roles at ERM, as Partner lead of the Liability Portfolio Management & Remediation service in EMEA and ERM’s global technology enablement programme. Oliver recently took over as Chair of the Regulatory Working Group at NICOLE, the leading industry network for contaminated land in Europe.