Autenti is a platform for approval of documents and signing contracts online. It is a unique combination of electronic signature, innovative technology and legal environment based on European and national regulations. The service can be used not only in relations with business partners (B2B), but also with consumers (B2C) and employees (B2E). This is the first solution of this type in Poland and one of the few in Europe.

Autenti simplifies and shortens to a minimum the process of signing documents (minutes to close the transaction instead of days) and lowers the costs associated with their preparation and transmission via the traditional methods - by post or courier (guaranteed savings exceed 50%). By reducing paper consumption in business, it is also a pro-ecological solution.

The platform guarantees its clients full service in the scope of the e-transaction process. Starting from sending a document, through e-identification, e-delivery, electronic signature resulting in a certificate, to generating links leading to payment. An undoubted advantage is a fact that Autenti records the chain of events between the parties concluding the contract and puts the evidence on a durable medium. On request, it also integrates signature verified by a qualified certificate. Data encryption guarantees the highest level of security and trust.

At Autenti, we apply solutions in accordance with the EU EIDAS Regulation, which has been effective since 1 July 2016 and the national trust service act, which implements the above-mentioned regulation in Poland.

At the end of 2019, Alior Bank, BNP Paribas and PKO Bank Polski, which constitute altogether 30 per cent assets of the Polish banking sector, have invested in Autenti. This was the very first joint transaction of such a type, carried out in the Central and Eastern Europe region on an equal basis. The Autenti investors are eager to cooperate with the banking community, which could support the creation of a Polish standard for, both, remote signing and digital workflow of documents, and thus the development of environmentally friendly solutions in this area.

Autenti is a project of the leading managers of the Polish internet and IT industry. The co-founders of the company are Grzegorz Wójcik (CEO), Tomasz Plata (CMO), Bartosz Wojciechowski (CLO).

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Contact persons details:

Anna Krasuska
Head of Sales and Partnerships
[email protected], +48 600 909 041

Filip Telak
Business Development Manager
[email protected], +48 506 807 196